As I was contemplating Pluto moving slowly through the end of Capricorn and approaching Aquarius, it became clear that Pluto/Hades’ archetypal meaning as ruler of the underworld is resonant with the end of Capricorn as the deepest point from the perspective of Alchemical Tantric Astrology (ATA). Note the correlation of the two lowest signs, Capricorn and Aquarius, and their two ruling planets, Saturn and Uranus with the first or Root Chakra in the Tantric seven chakra system.
(See Opening Image of THE CHAKRAS and their associated SIGNS and PLANETS according to Alchemical Tantric Astrology)
This arrangement further suggests that the end of Capricorn is the end of each cycle and therefore Pluto is nearing the end of his 248 year cycle that is strongly connected to the American Revolution, meaning that we are closely approaching Pluto’s position at 27 degrees of Capricorn in the U.S. 1776 Sibley chart.
Apparently the effects of Pluto transiting through Capricorn have an even more radical meaning, likely related to its position at the bottom of the ATA chart, an effect that we might call “Evolution.”
To understand why I say “evolution,” we need to go back one more cycle of Pluto. We can turn to Bruce Scofield’s excellent article in the June/July 2019 The Mountain Astrologer, “Saturn Conjunct Pluto and the Return of Quetzalcoatl,” where he demonstrates how “Previous Saturn-Pluto conjunctions occurred during times of extreme cultural and territorial shifts.” He uses Cortez’s invasion and destruction of Moctezuma’s Aztec Mexico around 1520 as a prime example. Although the addition of Saturn to the mix, being the ruler of Capricorn, is no doubt exceptionally powerful, when we look at the period around 1776 when Pluto was last in Capricorn, although Saturn did not overlap Pluto, we can still see a similar theme of the beginning of the end of the North American Indians. From the standpoint of the American Revolution, we might interpret this period in time as gloriously positive; however, from the standpoint of indigenous people it can be viewed as the beginning of horrible genocide.
During the most recent transit of Pluto in Capricorn by a truly amazing number of accompanying transits including the South Node, Jupiter, and Saturn, I think it is no wonder that the results in 2019 and beyond were absolutely mind-boggling.
And, I believe that we can expect more massive worldwide destruction and transformation, when Pluto, divinity of the apocalypse, makes FIVE conjunctions with the end of Capricorn in 2023 and 2024, with perhaps a final coup de grace to the USA Constitution. As they used to say in the Navy, “Batten down the hatches, a storm is coming.”
How about AFTER Pluto enters Aquarius for good in 2024?
The “Onward and upward” springtime energy should become obvious, with all the major outer planets on the upward side of the ATA zodiac, however, how it feels will depend upon which team you are on, the Invaders or the Indigenous.
And what can we say about why Pluto transiting through Capricorn is so disruptive?
Looking at it from the perspective of Alchemical Tantric Astrology, it seems obvious to me that Capricorn, being the final ATA sign, brings with it the need for the old to die so that the new can be born. The transition from wintery Capricorn to springtime Aquarius contains other major shifts: rulership from conservative Saturn to radical Uranus; stable alchemical metal lead to radioactive uranium; and from the downward to upward path in the ATA zodiac.

In terms of tantric yoga, the related First or Root Chakra contains the Svayambhu Lingam around which the powerful serpent Kundalini is said to be coiled. The three primary nadis or subtle nerves meet at this point and it is said that when the two channels, Ida and Pingala, are in balance, then the third central channel Sushumna and kundalini are activated. Kundalini is a powerful spiritual energy for evolution and, in the form of a serpent, is further symbolically associated with the double helix DNA. It is my intuition that the approximately 125 BILLION miles of DNA in our bodies contains encoded and awaiting activation amazing knowledge and unimagined potential for transformation. It seems reasonable that transits to this major transition point can be powerfully activating. Sometimes the intensity of awakening kundalini is acceptable and at other times it can be overwhelming, both for the individual and the society.
And so, Yes, for all these reasons and more, I believe that Pluto deserves to be considered a co-ruler of Capricorn, with the last degree as the most critical.