An Easy Introduction to Alchemical Tantric Astrology
Each sign of the natural zodiac has a planet that is most similar to the meaning
of that sign and is called its “ruler”. The traditional ruling planets of the 12
signs of the zodiac come in pairs, e.g., two signs, Gemini and Virgo, are both ruled
by the planet Mercury. Five pairs of ruling planets are arranged in their natural
order; two signs are each ruled by Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Mercury. When the Moon and Sun are added that makes the 7 traditional planets.
The key to Alchemical Tantric Astrology is the rotation of the 12 signs of the zodiac so that this order of traditional ruling planets runs from the 2 signs ruled by Saturn, Capricorn and Aquarius, at the bottom of the circle, to the two signs, Cancer and Leo, at the top. This puts the 7 planets in their proper order from Aquarius to Leo with 5 signs completing the circle of 12 from Virgo to Capricorn.
In Alchemy each planet relates to an alchemical metal, so the 7 traditional planets correspond in order from Saturn to the Sun: lead, tin, iron, copper, mercury, silver, and gold. The alchemists utilized the same symbols for the 7 traditional planets and the 7 alchemical metals. This transition from lead at the bottom of the ATA chart to gold at the top is like the popular understanding of the alchemical opus or work: transforming lead into gold.
Amazingly, it so happens that this seven-fold alchemical and planetary order aligns perfectly with the 7 chakras of the Tantric yoga system. Other astrologers have known about this correlation; however I arrived at it the long way, trying to make sense of why so many significant transits pointed to the sign Capricorn for the ending of the cycle.
The new planets discovered with the help of technology, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, also conform to the ATA arrangement, correlating perfectly with the 1st, 2nd
and 3rd chakras in order. This arrangement is especially revealing when we recall that at the base of the 1st or Root Chakra is where the powerful transformative kundalini serpent is said to reside. Hence when planets transit this cusp between Capricorn and Aquarius, it is reasonable to conclude that kundalini, the energy of super transformation, will be awakened.
This association of the Root Chakra at the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius with the kundalini serpent, allowed me to predict that the years 2019 and 2020, when so many planets transited this highly charged cusp, that major transformation was highly likely. And these intense times are likely to continue and perhaps even intensify over the years 2023 and 2024 when the final outer planet, Pluto, divinity of the apocalypse, makes FIVE transits of this pivotal cusp that I now call “The Kundalini Portal”!
As presented in my book, Alchemical Tantric Astrology, and in my blogs on the ATA website, many other revelations follow along after one understands the ramifications of the Alchemical Tantric Arrangement. Not the least of these revelations is learning to follow transits around the ATA cycle with an appreciation of the spiritual cycle symbolized by making Alchemical Gold and raising the kundalini energy up through the chakras towards ultimate enlightenment. Many forms of astrology have a spiritual potential; however, Alchemical Tantric Astrology demonstrates the spiritual processes and goals in a remarkably clear fashion.